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10 Ways To Keep Up With Online Marketing Trends

In recent years online business has changed with lightning speed thanks, in part, to the advent of social media and digital content marketing. So it’s no wonder that many small  business owners still feel uncertain about marketing and aren’t sure if all the buzz about engaging clients in the online world will really work to help them grow in the real world.

Below are ten ways to stay on top of business online marketing trends (Marketingweek.co.uk):

  1. Get with the times. Now that nearly everyone is surfing the net for “consumer purposes” — especially for information related to travel — the future of your company depends on being connected through social media.

  2. Manage your online reputation. Today your strong strong online presence is almost as important as your solid product or service offering. Savvy consumers now research every purchase before they buy. With a few quick clicks, potential clients can compare how your company measures up.

  3. Know that what worked before might not work moving forward. Social media has changed the online marketing landscape. If you want to generate leads and build a digital community where your business is sought out as an authority. Don’t dabble. Get serious and focused. Consider hiring an experienced digital marketing consultant or team to jumpstart your efforts.

  4. Don’t be a dinosaur. Would you cling to using a mimeograph machine or typewriter in your office? No, of course not. If you aren’t embracing online technologies that millions of people around the globe turn to for help making decisions, you are dooming your travel business to extinction. Learn to use the latest technologies or hire people to help you.

  5. Court the younger generation where they work and play. Those Gen X and Gen Y kids are now working adults. And because they’ve grown up in a digital world, they are extremely technologically sophisticated. They expect the businesses they patronize to be the same way. If the information they seek isn’t easily accessible and updated in real time, you’ve likely lost their business.

  6. Target wisely. Don’t assume you know the experience different consumers seek. Engage in dialogue with your existing clients and potential leads online and then reflect on the resulting information to really gleen what it is people want to know. Listening and monitoring trends will give you insights for future marketing strategies. You may be surprised to learn that seniors are outpacing younger people as the fastest growing segment among social networkers in recent years.

  7. Understand that economics are open to interpretation. We hear daily on the news about the dire economy in leading nations around the world. However, we need to be mindful that we now live in a global economy and that includes the emerging middle classes in countries such as India, China, and many African nations.

  8. Embrace change. Just about the only thing business industry leaders can count on these days is constant change. It pays to be aware of trends, world events, and emerging markets, as well as the best ways to reach potential clients in today’s ever-changing digital landscape.

  9. Start today. The time to revisit your social media strategy – or get to work on developing one – is today. Companies that want to keep up with the times and stay ahead of their competitors need to maximize their investment in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and Pinterest to name a few) and content marketing.

 Being online and being effective online are two completely different concepts. Anyone can create an account on a social network and post there from time to time, but dabbling doesn’t generate business leads the way seriously working digital mediums can drive customers to your online sites and assets.

  1. Become a content marketing pro. To be truly effective online, businesses must invest in quality writing. Google and other search engines recognize the difference between poor writing and high-quality content on websites.

Ready to get ahead with content marketing and social media to engage with your existing and prospective clients?

Contact Brent now for a free estimate or  free 30-minute consultation for digital and social media marketing and advertising services including strategic marketing plans, digital advertising, content marketing, and social media services.